12:27(am-Sat) — We (our team) have been in this Visual Studio.net class all week. I have personally found it very interesting and have gotten a lot out of it. Gaylee, on the other hand, is of the opinion that it has just been a total waste of time, that we are ALL not advanced enough. But, I think I was tracking along fairly well, and I WAS the only from our entire team who consistently asked intelligent questions and maintained intelligent dialogue with the instructor. Again, instead of acknowledging the fact that I’m shining, she’s diminishing the whole thing because of her own insecurities and inadequacies.
I’m meeting with Jon in the morning. I think he finally has realized that I have some wisdom in terms of making life-decisions. However, there are definitely some stark differences between us. I know that I definitely tend to think more strategically, whereas he’s more concerned about saving face in the short run. Whenever I’m faced with some kind of conflict or confrontation, I do NOT immediately try to think of ways I can appear strong or save face. I first evaluate my circumstances, consider my options, and make your move based on that. When your boss is the only one who could make or break you, then HE is god! You should make sure you do everything in your power to make HIM happy, not matter HOW much you hate him; no matter how much you don’t respect him; no matter how much you don’t respect the company.