November 26, 2009 — Too Many to Thank

This is my second Thanksgiving Day on my second chance at life.  A little over a year ago, on November 10, 2008, my life was miraculously saved from imminent death.  One unknown generous person, simply because he or she was a registered organ donor, sacrificed his or her physical heart to replace my old, dying one.

Someday, I may find out who this wonderful person was and be able to express my infinite gratitude to his or her family.  Aside from this person, there are literally dozens and dozens of many others to whom I am indebted to as well.  On this day, I thank God and of course, ALL of you who so generously shared pieces of your OWN heart so that I could have a whole new one.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you all!

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

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