Austin Berg

Austin Berg – Austin is my very reason for living, now.  Except for fulfilling God’s will for my life, Austin is and will always be my top priority.  Even though he is only 4 years old right now, he has no idea how much joy he brings to me.  He is such a joy to be with, so happy, so easy to please, and hearing him laugh makes EVERYTHING I’ve been through worth it.  It is my number one mission in life to always be there for him.  No matter what, he will always know that his daddy, although not perfect by any means, loved him more than anything!”Thank you, Austin, my son!  You have already made me SOOOO proud!  I love you more than you will ever know, and nothing thrills me more than watching you grow up.  Please know that your Daddy wishes he could be with you every single day.”

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