Tom Illg

Tom Illg – I simply cannot say enough good things about my dear friend, Tom.  We first met in 2000 when the company I first worked for here in Minnesota was bought out by a larger consulting firm, Compuware.  As very committed conservatives who were strongly against people who believe killing unborn babies should be legal, we became fast friends.  It is to TOM’S credit that we have remained friends despite our separation from working together.  Tom has been SUCH a faithful, giving, and generous friend.He was there for me when I needed to discuss the pain I was going through because of the divorce and the totally unfair custody battle that resulted in my very young son from being deprived from having a  good relationship with his father.  He also paid for an old T-Mobile cell phone bill that I owed while I was in the hospital, and, since I’ve moved back to Minnesota, Tom has been a priceless friend in terms of helping me drive to the place where I go to see Austin, and most recently, helping me move from my old place to the new one.

“Thanks Tom!  You have been SUCH an inspiration to me.  The genuine love you have for your family that so much more exceeds you own career aspirations is so commendable!  In fact, it has been very convicting because I used to be so career-driven, myself but just refused to admit it.  You are ALWAYS there for your wife and your kids, who will NEVER EVER doubt your love for them.  Tom, whether or not you ever climb to the highest rung of the corporate ladder that you have the capability to do, I regard you as the true definition of success.  You HAVE achieved the American dream, because you have put your wife and children first above yourself.  God bless you, Tom!”


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