7:27pm — I-94 Passing Eau Claire, WI
I am on a Megabus just passing Eau Claire, heading up to Minnesota. I’m HOPING that I will be able to get to see Austin play soccer again tomorrow evening. I haven’t really told all too many people about this trip. I’m also planning on turning in all of the paper work I need in order to get my license back. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get that taken care of by Friday. I’m still missing a few things, I know. The main thing is going to be getting the discharge summary from Mercy Hospital. I DID do a disclosure request, but only to the house.
I’m totally dead tired. It was really hard trying to get to sleep last night and to stay that way. I’m sure it will be good to get a good night’s rest tonight.
The other times this week, I do plan on participating with Outpost and the outreach they’re going to be doing this week during the TC Pride week. I’m really, really not sure what to expect.