Yesterday, I had a great interview with a guy at UHG IT for a SharePoint position. I had to reveal that I had some issues on my background that might cause some problems with my getting in. Within 24 hours of doing so, I was informed late this afternoon that “Robert Half Technology would not be able to represent me on the UHG project OR the one at Lerner, that I interviewed for the day before (i.e. Monday).
I am, no doubt, extremely frustrated.
I was tempted to resort to destructive habits, but, God prevented me.
“Dear Lord, please do forgive my sins today. I confess the ones I remember now silently to you . . . I know that you have forgiven me. I receive your infinite grace and ask that your Holy Spirit would surround me with His comfort and joy. Help me, Lord, to walk faithfully according to your will. Your humble, imperfect servant. In Jesus name, Amen.”