Ellen Schreder Donaghue – The Wicked Witch of the Upper Midwest

Ellen Schreder Donaghue is a Minnesota attorney who is partially responsible for almost destroying my life – and quite literally, as I almost found myself on my deathbed that same year.

  • 2008 is decidedly one of the worst and yet best year of my life. I nearly lost everything, including my own life.
  • I was going through a wicked divorce that I did not know how to handle.
  • Sara and her attorney, Ellen Schreder are partially responsible for causing the stress and anxiety that led to the deterioration of my heart health ultimately resulting in my heart failure.
  • She has unscrupulous tactics that left me utterly dumbfounded. I could not believe that someone was capable of doing the evil, things she did to me.
  • Now, Sara is again sicking her attack dog, old crony lawyer on me to try and suck money out of me.

On Thursday, August 29, 2019, I had a hearing with Ellen Schreder and Sara and the judge/magistrate.

My original motion was that I was not employed and could not pay. Well, when I submitted the motion, I WAS unemployed. But, I have since found full-time employment. at LTCG.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

11:04pm — I love people. I love making them happy; even if that means stepping aside and letting them enjoy it. I made a lot of people happier today than they probably would have been otherwise, for instance. It was MY idea to go to Sunday School today, which made Sara happy. It was MY idea to go to lunch with Tim and Jen and Kristi and Eddie. I smiled internally (almost pridefully) as we all laughed together.

Last night another group of people are happier than they would have been otherwise; Mike and Jen and Kim and Casey. We all went to see the Nutcracker last night and went to dinner beforehand. I think for the most part, we all had a blast! I know, especially, the women enjoyed it. Mike kinda let me down, though by not really giving me an indication that he was glad we did it. He made a comment about how it doesn’t beat fishing — but, perhaps, I’ve made similar comments about hunting and fishing — I’m probably being overly sensitive. Nevertheless, I am a little hurt.

I am so glad I did this tonight. We’ve been entertaining people so much lately. I just started feeling so lost — like my own identity was lost.

Many people don’t understand (including my wife) why I choose to remain friends with Jon. Todd Fierst questioned me on it the other day — but, I think it’s because I know what he’s been through — he’s trusted me with so much — and vice versa. I could never turn my back on him. His father rejected him — outright — and he’s more to me than just a drinking buddy or someone that I have ulterior motives. The fact is Jonathan Almquist is real human being; who has been damaged, yes, but who also means no one any harm.

I also love my wife. I am totally devoted to her — even though I notice “faults” and secretly despise them. Nevertheless, she is a wonderful woman (no PERSON!) My first responsibility is to HER FIRST.

But, Lord, I am SUCH a failure in this area. I can only ask for Your grace. PLEASE PLEASE work through me despite my brokenness — and heal me. I pray that she might have some internal strength that is beyond ME.

Wednesday, July 7, 2004

12:10am (Thu) — In 22 days my life will be changed forever. WHAT am I scared of the most? — I’m scared that I won’t like it — being married, that is. But, the FACT is, it’s too late.

Dear God for Sara’s sake, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do whatever it takes in me to change me! — “HOW desperate are you, Steve? How is your desperation demonstrated — by your pitiful remorse at times when it’s too late?”

“Steve, TRUST ME, TRUST ME, TRUST ME! Believe that I CAN change you. YOU know and Satan is constantly reminding you of your failure. You ARE a miserable failure. But, when you are weak, then *I* am strong.

She wants to be wanted. That’s what love is for her. DESIRE!!! “Sara, I WANT you! I WANT you!”

Sunday, June 6, 2004

12:08am (Mon) — This weekend was a little tough on Sara. Her ex-fiance [Keith] called yesterday and they talked for a bit. Apparently he found out she and I were engaged on some website that she had signed up for a while back. He had just broken up with another girl and wanted to know if there was ANY way they might have a chance [again]. The guy sounded desperate — but what I guess I don’t fully understand is how Sara is so broken up by his calling. I can understand how it could dredge up old emotion — but, I can’t imagine more than just a sinking feeling in the pit of your gut. I must confess, sometimes I feel as though Sara feigns sorrow or puts on a “damsel in distress” act in order to extract sympathy from me. I’m sure that SOUNDS horrible and maybe there’s some truth in it, but I think what Hal would probably say is that that is a sign that I’m not giving her enough love and attention otherwise. But, when such things happen, my immediate reaction is to act in totally the opposite way than what she wants out of me. She’s always LOOKING at me — ever-staring. I just don’t know what that’s about. It was the same with Val. It can be very unnerving.

Anyway, so this guy, Keith, sound like a real piece of work. Sara had a long conversation with him that afternoon – he sounded real conciliatory and wished her well. But, then left a couple messages later — he’s been pining after her for a long time, it sounds like.

Aside from the blatant insecurity and immaturity, there’s something about him I envy — his obvious deep feelings for Sara.

Sunday, April 4, 2004

1:30pm — In a couple hours, Sara and I will be the owners of a new townhouse together in Eden Prairie. It’s gorgeous. It extremely close to my work and to Wooddale and to the Prairie Center mall. We had been looking around for a few weeks and finally settled on this new development out there. I found a really good, really nice realtor named Sherwin Teradash; he’s an older guy, but really, really sharp and goes out of his way to help out. Just a sweetheart of a guy.

The other night, Sara and I went out to talk about this problem she has with Jon. (Actually, it’s my relationship with him that’s more the problem. I don’t know that anything was resolved other than what I FEEL is the real issue — which is her feeling second-rate. I acknowledged that and apologized for that, but, I continued to drink and shouldn’t have. She ended up having to drive my car home while I became a drunken baffoon. I vowed not to take another sip until our wedding. I was so disgusted with myself the following morning. Especially if we’re considering having a family intervention for my mom. I’m just afraid my own behavior might draw unwanted [attention].

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

8:40pm – What have I done? When will it all end? I thought this thing would be a cure for loneliness. Yet, I’ve never felt more distant from anyone. Everyone’s so happy for us – everyone except us. What’s this charade we’re putting on? How much more can I take before I die of an ulcer? I want to run. I want to hide. I feel just as much of a freak as anyone. — I watch young couples; in UTTER amazement. Why can’t WE be like that? If she were to read my journals from years ago, ever since Brad, she would find out some pretty disturbing stuff.

Why don’t I want to see her? I’m SOO stressed out — and she’s a major stressor in my life. Sometimes, I’m totally stunned by the things that come out of her mouth. The issue today has to do with Jon. She can’t stand him. We met with Hal Baumchen today — probably one of the toughest sessions ever. She does not want him to be a part of my life AT ALL! Much less have ANYTHING to do with the wedding. She’s even trumping up charges that he’s made passes at her, which is SO not true, and she knows it. It really makes me wonder who I’m marrying. She’s either evil or immature. I tend to think the latter. But, I still can’t believe it. I guess, what I would really wish is for her and Jon to somehow make amends, and get along. For her to ask Jon out to lunch, to make SOME kind of effort to get to know him, If she would even TRY to make an effort toward him, even just a little gesture, I would be grateful. I feel so distrusted, (if that’s a word). How can I make it MORE clear to her, that Jon is an important person in my life. Sure, there a history of dysfunction there, but, it’s just that — a history. Well, maybe that’s not ENTIRELY true, yet. But, for the most part AND surely 100% soon, if not eventually.
While it’s true that my friendship to Jon is important to me, well, wait, he IS like a brother to me, and turning my back on him is NOT an option. The way I see it, is she’ll either have to accept him, or turn her back on me; the fact is, I WON’T turn away from either of them — She has to understand, this [ ] is part of the (consequence, reality, etc) of marrying me. I basically can’t be close to SOMEONE without her feeling jealous. And I DON’T agree that she’s always aware of inappropriate feelings towards certain people. Heck, there ARE certain guys right now that I am drawn to more than Jon. — And, she’s totally oblivious. As much as it might feel like to her, Jon is NOT a former “girlfriend.” Soooo far from it. He is NOT threat.